Student Loan FIgures I

The following table shows the percentage of students borrowing and average cumulative debt per borrower (excluding PLUS Loans) at graduation according to type of educational institution but not restricted by degree program.

Undergraduate Education Debt
Institution Level & Control Percent Borrowing Cumulative Debt
Overall Total (4, 2 and < 2 year) 58.8% $18,625
Public 49.4% $16,369
Private Non-Profit 69.7% $26,683
Private For-Profit 93.1% $17,162
4-year Total 66.5% $22,656
4-year Public 61.1% $19,839
4-year Private Non-Profit 70.6% $27,349
4-year Private For-Profit 97.0% $24,635
2-year Total 44.8% $12,307
2-year Public 37.2% $10,444
2-year Private Non-Profit 64.0% $14,790
2-year Private For-Profit 97.6% $17,310
< 2-year Total 74.7% $10,172
< 2-year Public 36.1% $10,321
< 2-year Private Non-Profit 45.0% $10,990
< 2-year Private For-Profit 86.0% $10,123

Graduate and professional students borrow even more, with the additional cumulative debt for a graduate degree typically ranging from $30,000 to $120,000. The median additional debt is $25,000 for a Master's degree, $52,000 for a doctoral degree and $79,836 for a professional degree. A quarter of graduate and professional students borrow more than $42,898 for a Master's degree, more than $75,712 for a doctoral degree and more than $118,500 for a professional degree. At the 90th percentile cumulative debt for graduate and professional degrees exceeds $59,869 for a Master's degree, $123,650 for a doctoral degree and $159,750 for a professional degree.


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